Senin, 28 November 2011

Pagan Stupid

When the Prophet Muhammad came, the people of Madinah welcomed him. They also destroy the idols there. Everyone look busy destroying their idols except 'Amar bin Jumuh. Most young children watched Salmah attitude 'Amar and became angry. The boys were planning something.

Night came. The boys sneak into the house 'Amar. His idol is taken and thrown into the latrine. In the morning, 'Amar was surprised to see his idol missing. He was looking everywhere. Oh, it turns out his idol is in the toilet. 'Amar then displayed in front of his idol back home.

At night, the youths returned dispose idols' Amar to the toilet. How angry 'Amar. He whispered into the ears of the idol, "Hi, Idolatry, I give you a sword. If there are people who do evil against you, use this sword to defend yourself!"

The youths did not want to give up. They're acting up again. However, this time is different. The idol was not in the waste down the toilet, but tied to the carcass of a dog. When I woke in the morning, 'Amar approached the idols, and said, "The idol stupid! Been given a sword still can not defend themselves. How do you protect me?"

'Amar also woke up and felt ashamed. Is not that stupid because he himself talked to the idols that can not be anything? "I now believe in God, the Lord of nature. God who give love, grace, and protection for all his servants," The word 'Amar sure.

'Amar then destroy the idol. 'Amar immediately believe in Allah. Since then, he embraced Islam, the teachings of the Prophet brought. The youths sanagt relieved to see that change. They also give thanks to God.

      " We must make sure that no one has the power other than God. The idol ispowerless object. Therefore, it is not comparable to the power of God Almighty.Only God deserves our worship".

Sources: The book by Ariany Syurfah, M. Hum, M. Ag

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